help with death notice of michele Gangone

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help with death notice of michele Gangone

Post by rallport »

Could somebody translate this for me.There are some words I am having trouble with.
thanks ... eath_1.jpg
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Re: help with death notice of michele Gangone

Post by arturo.c »


The original Italian text reads as follows:

"L'anno millenovecentosettantotto, il giorno ventiquattro del mese di giugno, alle ore dieci del mattino nella Casa Comunale innanzi a me Ciro Ferri, segretario di questo Comune di Teggiano, circondario di Sala Consilina, Provincia di Salerno, delegato a compiere le funzioni d'Ufficiale di Stato Civile per gli atti di nascita e di morte dal Sindaco di questo Comune, con atto del quindici maggio milleottocento settantasei, sono comparsi Damiano Gangone fu Ciro, d'anni cinquanta, pizzicagnolo, e Giuseppe Talarico fu Gennaro, di anni quarantotto, macellaio, entrambi domiciliati a Teggiano, i quali mi hanno dichiarato che il giorno di ieri ventitrè del corrente mese di giugno, alle ore due di mattina è morto nella casa di sua abitazionesita in questo Comune strada [....] Michele Gangone di anni otto, fanciullo nato e domiciliato a Teggiano, figlio di Ciro Gangone e di Giselda Gizzo, contadini domiciliati a Teggiano. Dato lettura del presente atto, fatto contemporaneamente sopra i due registri originali, ai dichiaranti suddetti, firmato dal sottoscritto essendo essi dichiaranti analfabeti."

A rough translation into English sounds like this:
On the year 1878, the 24th day of the month of June, at ten o'clock in the morning in City Hall before me Ciro Ferri, secretary of this municipality of Teggiano, district of Sala Consilina, Province of Salerno, delegated to perform the functions of Civil Status Officer for the acts of birth and death by the Mayor of this municipality, by an act of the fifteenth of May 1876, appeared Damiano Gangone [son] of Ciro, aged fifty, grocer, and Giuseppe Talarico [son] of Gennaro, aged forty-eight, butcher, both domiciled in Teggiano, who told me that yesterday twentythird of the current month of June, at two o'clock in the morning died in the house of his parents in this city street [ ... ] Michele Gangone, eight years old, child born and residing in Teggiano, son of Ciro Gangone and Giselda Gizzo, farmers domiciled in Teggiano.
This act, written in the two original registers, was read to the above named declarants and signed only by me, being them illiterate.
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Re: help with death notice of michele Gangone

Post by Tessa78 »

arturo.c wrote:
A rough translation into English sounds like this:
On the year 1878, the 24th day of the month of June, at ten o'clock in the morning in City Hall before me Ciro Ferri, secretary of this municipality of Teggiano, district of Sala Consilina, Province of Salerno, delegated to perform the functions of Civil Status Officer for the acts of birth and death by the Mayor of this municipality, by an act of the fifteenth of May 1876, appeared Damiano Gangone [son] of Ciro, aged fifty, grocer, and Giuseppe Talarico [son] of Gennaro, aged forty-eight, butcher, both domiciled in Teggiano, who told me that yesterday twentythird of the current month of June, at two o'clock in the morning died in the house of his parents in this city street [ ... ] Michele Gangone, eight years old, child born and residing in Teggiano, son of Ciro Gangone and Giselda Gizzo, farmers domiciled in Teggiano.
This act, written in the two original registers, was read to the above named declarants and signed only by me, being them illiterate.
I see year 1870 (milleottocentosettanta)

I read the official's given name is Cono.
First witness's father's given name is also Cono, witness Damiano is age 46; and the father of second witness is deceased.
Death occurred at the house at Strada Santa Maria.
I see the given name of the child's father as Cono, and the mother's given name as Gesualda and her surname as Rizzo.

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