B/M/D Records Search

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B/M/D Records Search

Post by Inky777 »


Can anybody find any of these records for Antonio Centrella and Anna Olievero Centrella?

Antonio 1885 - 1939
Anna 1892 - 1945

SHOULD be New Jersey area...

Especially a Marriage Record if possible because that should show Antonio and Anna's parents correct?

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Re: B/M/D Records Search

Post by Inky777 »

Sorry for the double post, I can't find the Edit button...

We did find Antonio's parents, at least we believe them to be...Antonio's parents are Pietro Centrella and Mary Sacco...if anybody checks this, see if you agree?

We MIGHT know Anna's Mom, Maria Lepore? Saw some manifest of a Maria Lepore being 52 years old being accompanied by Constantine Olievero 15 years old and Anna Olievero 13 years old...if this is checked see if you agree...

So, if that's all correct, can somebody find the Dad's name? We saw on the Manifest that the money to get them here was provided by Father...then we see mention of StepFather...so that's a bit confusing to see Father AND StepFather...not sure what to think on that...
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Re: B/M/D Records Search

Post by PippoM »

I don't understand if you mean you ALREADY know Anna's mother was Maria Lepore. Anyway, the manifest of 1903 for ship Phoenicia states Maria Lepore was with Costantino (15) and Anna Oliviero (13). They were going to join their respective husband and stepfather Gabriele Donnarumma in Orange, NY. Their provenience is indexed as Corrioni, but I think it was Torrioni. Torrioni might be a commune in the province of Avellino.
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi

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Re: B/M/D Records Search

Post by Inky777 »

Sorry, don't mean to make it confusing :)

See, I figured Maria Lepore is Anna's Mom but we saw the mention of Father AND StepFather...it loox to be Father/Stepfather for both kids...so that confuses me...which is he?

You were actually able to read the name Gabriele Donnarumma? Wow, you have some great eyes...I couldn't make that out for nothing...some of that script is hard to decipher...thank you for that..:)
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Re: B/M/D Records Search

Post by PippoM »

I understand what you mean. Ship manifests sometimes have wrong info, but I think they really meant "stepfather".
But I think the solution is here:

https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/T ... cc=1727033

This is a 1910 Census of Orange where Gabriel Donnarumma and wife Mary live door by door with Antonio and Anna Centrella.
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi

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Re: B/M/D Records Search

Post by PippoM »

If you can't see the image, you have to register, but it's free.
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi

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Re: B/M/D Records Search

Post by Inky777 »

How awesome! Thank you...

So I see in the household was step kids? Can you make out all the names?
I can see Gabriel, Mary, Frederick Oliver, ??, Serafina, Serafino, ??...

So if these were step kids/grandkids, does that mean the kids belong to Mary, Anna's Mother?

Do you know if there's a way to find the biological Father for Anna??
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Re: B/M/D Records Search

Post by PippoM »

Frederick, stepson
Mary, step daughter-in-law
Serafino and Serafina, step grand-children
Also living with them, Pasquale and Isidoro Lepore, cousins (probably, Maria's cousins)
If you want to find Anna's biological father, you could rent microfilms of stato civile records from Torrioni at your nearest Family History Center.
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi

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Re: B/M/D Records Search

Post by Inky777 »

Our closest Family History Center won't be of much help...they're rearranging EVERYTHING at their place...that's a bummer...we went there last week and they were in one SMALL room...and are in the process of moving things around...may not be available for a while :/

Would there be another way to possibly find Anna's biological Father?
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