Yes my ancestors are considered Arberesh , their language and traditions have carried down to present day (although I would imagine some evolutionary changes have occurred) in the town of my ancestry Piana degli Albanesi (called Plane Grecorum "Plane of the Greeks" in the old latin church records, which I find very interesting as the 15th Century locals at the time considered them to be Greek not "Arberesh" or Albanian)PeterTimber wrote:You certainly did your homework on this interesting period and I wondered whether you might know if the Albanians used ARABESH as a language or were known to be Arabesh as a group or both? Thereis a website you might find interesting uses the word Arabesh as an Arabic Chat Alphabet??
Unfortunately I have not studied this era and people in the general sense quite as much as you have. I have focused more on specific families and individuals through genealogical resources such as Census (Riveli) and church sacremental registers (BMD). You would be surprised how tedious that can be when working with 16th century script and format, (every priest seemed to have his own spin on how to translate into Latin). We've been extracting and assembling families into several databases. As of right now we have 1527-1910 completely extracted and have cross referenced the 1593 and 1651.
Feel free to enlighten me (and this forum) if you will on the heated political enviornment in Southern Italy at the time..especially in terms of the various invaders. I am ALL ears (or rather eyes) lol