I think it's really a shame that not so many people here speak Sicilian. All the websites I could find about the language teach verb forms and such, but no one bothers to post anything about simple phrases, and the obvious things people want to know. I remember when I first started studying it, I could write full sentences and conjugate verbs in any tense, but I didn't know how to say "how are you?"... lol. I've only got one question left.
Aviri vs. Teniri. Mkay, well I know you'd use Aviri with the past participles, but I've also seen it used in sentences regarding possession of a material item. In Spanish we use tener for possession, etc. and haber for the past participle. In Sicilian do you use Aviri for both, or only for the past participle? Does anyone even use teniri? 8O 8O HELP! lol. Could you maybe write a sentence with each verb? The confusion all began when I was on a site that was showing the verb conjugations in Sicilian vs Spanish [since for some reason it doesn't make sense to me in English, and I find Spanish easier...] and it matched up Aviri AND teniri with Tener and I got oh so confused.

I am definately going to write my letters in Sicilian, and if they've got any problems with it then they're obviously not family!!