Anybody else mixed with another ethnicity?

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Edward Keeports
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Re: Anybody else mixed with another ethnicity?

Post by Edward Keeports »

Squigy wrote: 17 May 2011, 21:47
johnnyonthespot wrote:Having committed the mortal sin of marrying a non-Italian, my son is 50% Italian, 25% English, 12.5% Irish and 12.5% Swedish. Or thereabouts.
My grandmother (full Italian) is starting to get upset with the lack of full bloods! We keep telling her, if she wanted full blooded Italian kids and grand kids (and great grand kids, for that matter) she'd have to have married an Italian!

But like I was saying, blood quantum isn't everything. I, too, went to an almost entirely Italian Catholic school, grew up in an Italian neighborhood with Italian family members all living close by. Culturally, that's what I identify with because it's what I know and what's familiar.
It seems to me that mixed Italians are less likely than full Italians to marry another Italian. My grandma's dad was Sicilian, her mother was Slovakian. My grandfather isn't at all Italian. Grandma's sister married a Pole, and her brother married a Persian.
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Re: Anybody else mixed with another ethnicity?

Post by BrownEyedGirl »

Edward Keeports wrote: 21 Aug 2020, 15:11
Squigy wrote: 17 May 2011, 21:47
johnnyonthespot wrote:
It seems to me that mixed Italians are less likely than full Italians to marry another Italian. My grandma's dad was Sicilian, her mother was Slovakian. My grandfather isn't at all Italian. Grandma's sister married a Pole, and her brother married a Persian.
I agree. I'm a mixed Italian, and my husband is Eastern European. My mother's full Italian, and she married a North-Western European mix. My son's DNA is from every corner of Europe. Lol. But I always tell him to marry a nice Italian girl, and I hope he does some day.

It's challenging to find someone to marry in the US who is only one ethnicity. Possible, of course, but challenging. :mrgreen:
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Re: Anybody else mixed with another ethnicity?

Post by dylancaza »

It's fascinating how diverse and rich our cultural backgrounds can be, especially when considering people of mixed ethnicities. Each unique blend brings together different traditions, languages, and histories, creating a vibrant tapestry of identities. This melding of backgrounds can be as intricate as a fire extinguisher system in a high-rise building—complex, carefully designed, and essential for maintaining harmony and safety. Just as the fire extinguisher system is crucial for managing potential risks and ensuring protection, understanding and embracing diverse cultural backgrounds are vital for fostering inclusivity and mutual respect in our increasingly globalized world.
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