Search found 74 matches

by Clicker
11 Jun 2010, 22:53
Forum: Off Topic - We don't only do Italian Genealogy
Topic: geography of Italy in the 1700's
Replies: 10
Views: 12468

Re: geography of Italy in the 1700's

Sorry I did not see this post earlier.

Just a tip to you and perhaps anyone.......when I have been stuck in the past in your dilemma.......I go to Ebay and usually look for vintage or historical Italian maps. Sometimes you can find reproductions and sometimes they are prints.....but it's a fairly ...
by Clicker
06 Apr 2010, 00:12
Forum: Off Topic - We don't only do Italian Genealogy
Topic: Does this annoy anyone else?
Replies: 93
Views: 64486

Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Hi MaryMena......I saw those as well, I missed a couple but I saw most...Randy Bachman's was pretty charming

But you are right, the people looked surprised and I liked the fact that they showed the process of finding the material (at least to a degree)

I wished they were a full hour but it seems ...
by Clicker
05 Apr 2010, 22:19
Forum: Off Topic - We don't only do Italian Genealogy
Topic: Does this annoy anyone else?
Replies: 93
Views: 64486

Re: Does this annoy anyone else? the Canadians out there.

Who watched Who Do You Think You Are - Canadian version?

It aired on CBC about three years back. Ancestry was a sponsor, but not in an overt way.

I thought it was actually OK, but it was 13 episodes and only a half an they rushed through pretty fast.
by Clicker
05 Apr 2010, 22:07
Forum: Off Topic - We don't only do Italian Genealogy
Topic: Does this annoy anyone else?
Replies: 93
Views: 64486

Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Sigh....I have to agree with you guys.....I hate that show. I watch becuase being a genealogy junkie there is very little offline to feed my addiction, but the show is just bad.

Don't get me wrong, this is a great idea for Ancestry to drive traffic but I wish they would have made this more ...
by Clicker
05 Aug 2009, 16:28
Forum: Italian History & Culture
Topic: Marche Cookbook
Replies: 12
Views: 15366

Re: Marche Cookbook afterthought...

I would recommend to anyone that if you looking for an Italian cookbook that is a 'must have' in your would be a book called The Silver Spoon, it is published by Phaidon Press. It was originally published in 1950 as Il Cucchiaio d'argento, and has been ...
by Clicker
05 Aug 2009, 15:54
Forum: Italian History & Culture
Topic: Marche Cookbook
Replies: 12
Views: 15366

Re: Marche Cookbook

PeterTimber.....whoops, realized after I posted that we recommended the same thing...great minds DO think alike....if I do say so myself!!

wldspirit, I live in Canada and I saw the book at one of the major retailers here in Toronto (Indigo) it was in-stock and on the shelves so I imagine that the ...
by Clicker
04 Aug 2009, 19:20
Forum: Italian History & Culture
Topic: Marche Cookbook
Replies: 12
Views: 15366

Re: Marche Cookbook

Hi there

I got a book a while back and it's very good so far. It's called
Cucina of Le Marche by Fabio Trabocchi.

While the cooking in Le Marche is pretty regional, he does a pretty good job of telling you all about the recipe and how it changes by region. My family is from the Fano region, not ...
by Clicker
05 Feb 2009, 14:59
Forum: Italian History & Culture
Topic: Easter Bread
Replies: 15
Views: 25965

Re: Easter Bread

Actually I should have been clearer...Crescia is a kind of cake/bread hybrid, some will call it cake, some will call it bread.
by Clicker
05 Feb 2009, 14:57
Forum: Italian History & Culture
Topic: Easter Bread
Replies: 15
Views: 25965

Re: Easter Bread

At Easter and Christmas we had Crescia...a wicked cheese cake concoction made with 10 eggs and cheese, pepper etc.......there is a family battle every year over who makes the best (the poor men who have to diplomatically navigate THAT one...yikes)

I have never heard of anyone else eating this ...
by Clicker
29 Jan 2009, 21:02
Forum: Italian History & Culture
Topic: Early question about Meal for Natale
Replies: 13
Views: 14976

Re: Early question about Meal for Natale

Actually, we do fried macaroni with the curly edges at home...I either put icing sugar on them or honey and nuts. We just called them crostili. All we do is make pasta (as per usual) roll it out a little thinner, cut with a roller that gives a 'rick-rack' edge in large trianlgesa nd fry in oil until ...
by Clicker
07 Jan 2009, 20:08
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: Orgins of Surnames?
Replies: 9
Views: 8481

Re: Orgins of Surnames?

Tamberino, great starting point. Thanks very much

Pink 67
Thank you so much.....generally I had read all of the information about how surnames were developed and altered, but had never found any specific information about MY last name.....It is amazing becuase I had a theory that this was how the ...
by Clicker
07 Jan 2009, 18:22
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: Orgins of Surnames?
Replies: 9
Views: 8481

Orgins of Surnames?

I have been curious as to the orgins or etymology of my family surname, where it comes from? is it an evolution of some other name? an example of a family name 'lifted' from the town they resided in.......The name I am looking up is Talamelli, is there anywhere that I can look up family names or a ...
by Clicker
28 Nov 2008, 17:24
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: Marchesan?
Replies: 12
Views: 11880

Re: Marchesan?

Hi chiola616

Does your friend have any addtional information...perhaps she doens't have a town, but maybe a province? even geographic info might help a little....did they live near water? in the mountains? were they farmers? fisherman? Even small insignificant details may help give a peice of the ...
by Clicker
22 Nov 2008, 00:49
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: HELP! I blew it!
Replies: 14
Views: 10318

Re: HELP! I blew it!

milagiro....don't feel bad.....I did the same thing about 6 years ago when I first started.

The conversation was truly hilarious in retrospect (although at the time I was horrified by the wordstuff coming out of my mouth to desperately try and make the conversation work) and it provided my husband ...
by Clicker
18 Nov 2008, 23:26
Forum: Locations in Italy
Topic: cervaro and cassino
Replies: 7
Views: 7517

Re: cervaro and cassino

When there I click on diocesi and then drill down to the region and then parish I need. I am not that familiar with the region, so beyond this I am just guessing for you....but maybe someone else will know more.