Does this annoy anyone else?

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What was the best episode of "Who Do You Think You Are"

Sarah Jessica Parker's
No votes
Emmitt Smith's
Lisa Kudrow's
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Matthew Broderick's
Brooke Shields'
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Susan Sarandon's
Spike Lee's
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by Squigy »

johnnyonthespot wrote:It may be crazy, but the thing that most annoys me about this show is the not-so-sly "product placement" which they always mange to slip in to each episode. How many times are they going to cut to a closeup of a PC screen that shows the Ancestry . com logo at the top left while the data itself could just as easily have been presented without the need to show the PC at all?
Haha, yes I have noticed that. At times the show seems like a one hour ad.

And you're right, she must have known most of what she was told. But that, to me, wasn't as annoying as the first part when she finally understood why her grandmother was tough on her mother. I cringed when I watched that. Another thing that annoys me about the show is how they try to fit in those "amazing" coincidences. Brooke Shields studied French in college and then discovers she has French ancestry. And then Matthew Broderick finds a Civil War Colonel ancestor names Robert, and he played a Colonel named Robert in Glory.

Anyway, in my opinion, Brooke Shields' was the worst episode yet.
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by seabreezes1 »

Yup - despite the Brooke Shields episode having the most content, it was the least engaging, probably because it was the least authentic. She knew or suspected a lot going in, and is too much the actress to ever let us glimpse her real reactions like previous celebrities did.

Also, I think seven episodes is probably about right for the duration. As mentioned, the slick nature of the programming doesn't include any of the personal struggle that captures the hearts and minds of the typical individuals performing the search. I'll still watch, though.
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by Clicker »

Sigh....I have to agree with you guys.....I hate that show. I watch becuase being a genealogy junkie there is very little offline to feed my addiction, but the show is just bad.

Don't get me wrong, this is a great idea for Ancestry to drive traffic but I wish they would have made this more realistic or at the very least did not commit so many of very basic pitfalls that happen to beginners.

In Canada, on our history channel there is a shoe called Ancestors in the Attic....(also not very good but better than 'Who do you think you are') do you have similar in the States?
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by Clicker » the Canadians out there.

Who watched Who Do You Think You Are - Canadian version?

It aired on CBC about three years back. Ancestry was a sponsor, but not in an overt way.

I thought it was actually OK, but it was 13 episodes and only a half an they rushed through pretty fast.
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by MaryMena »

I am a Canadian. I watched the one with Margaret Trudeau and the one with Steven Lewis's son. I enjoyed them. It didn't feel that they were rehearsed, although, I'm sure they were to some extent. It almost felt that they were hearing the information for the first time. They were not overly dramatic, either. Probably because the individuals are not actors.

Margaret Trudeau is the former wife of one of our Prime Ministers (now deceased) and Steven Lewis is the former leader of the New Democratic Party of Ontario and Canadian Ambassador to the UN.
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by Clicker »

Hi MaryMena......I saw those as well, I missed a couple but I saw most...Randy Bachman's was pretty charming

But you are right, the people looked surprised and I liked the fact that they showed the process of finding the material (at least to a degree)

I wished they were a full hour but it seems like they got through more information than their US counterparts did.
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by Joannsalvo »

I have found 2 people that have connected to my family tree and we have no connection what so ever.

I contacted both of them and they will not change the information.

My tree is now private.
I have no problem sharing with people but when they post incorrect information and mislead people, that's what I have a problem with.

Ancestry should have a process by which the owner of the tree should be contacted if people what to connect their tree.
If the owner is in agreement, then they can connect to the tree.

Thanks for letting me vent.
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by maestra36 »

I agree with you 100%. Had the same problem years ago and contacted the person who just arbitrarily connected info I had previously shared with him to his ancestry and then contributed it to without my permission or knowledge. My ancestor was from another town (I had gotten records from a parish in another town to prove this). I even contacted about it, but never got a response from them. I was so annoyed because of the time and money it cost me to get documentation from Italy for my ancestry and now it is incorrectly posted on because of this other person.
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by Squigy »

Hi, guys. I missed Friday's episode (I'll watch it later on Fancast). Did you watch it? If so, how was it? I think people have lost interest, which means there probably won't be another season.
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by lilbees »

I have had a tree on Ancestry and have been thrilled that other members are taking advantage of what I have found. I do have a disclaimer that I try to make sure that all backup documentation is done and if not I then remove the undocumented info.

I have received many kind messages and in 2 instances have made a connection with family members I was not aware of and they had information that I had been searching for over a long period of time. In one instance there is aunt of my ex who is 97. I had completed that part of the history and she was thrilled. By the way she is a very alert individual and gets around quite well.

So we can do some good and yes, some may take advantage but that is okay too. We are certainly one big family and should be willing to share.

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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by misbris »

Did anyone see Susan Sarandon last night. I thought this was the best of the series so far. (maybe because they went to Italy) It seemed the most realistic and informative and used some of the sites we do. :wink:
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by wldspirit »

Nuccia wrote such an excellent recap I'm going to watch it later today!!

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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by JamesBianco »

I enjoyed it actually... it's worth watching. I had no idea Susan had Italian roots.
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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by Squigy »

Yes, I just watched the show on Fancast. Definitely the best yet. I actually enjoyed this one. Did anyone see Susan and her son use this website:

I use it all the time! It was funny seeing her using it.
My Italian surnames:

Caserta: Maietta, Rossano, Tessitore, Negro, Peluso, Musone

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Re: Does this annoy anyone else?

Post by taxi55 »

Agree - this one was absolutely the best. Loved that it involved Italy and New York (my 2 favorite places.) :)

It was great to see Susan and her son utilize resources and research like all of us. (I wish I had the use of those researchers and experts like she did - but then again - I have all of you ...and you're all AMAZING!!!) :wink:

Enjoy your day everyone!
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