Search found 20 matches

by PicaJ
10 Mar 2025, 05:17
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: Siderno Superiore Calabria Church
Replies: 0
Views: 64

Siderno Superiore Calabria Church

Hi All

Does anyone have any good contacts for the Siderno area in Calabria?
I'd like to get a hold of someone ideally at the San Nicola Church to see if they can track down some records.

For future conversations, apart from every single name in the town... the main four are - Vitale, Romeo ...
by PicaJ
27 Feb 2025, 00:04
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: Finding records in Molfetta
Replies: 5
Views: 277

Re: Finding records in Molfetta

On FamilySearch the Molfetta Catalog will only get you BMD's to 1910.
by PicaJ
03 Feb 2025, 08:55
Forum: Emigration, Immigration, Naturalization and Italian citizenship
Topic: Young boys emigrating from Italy to Australia
Replies: 2
Views: 216

Re: Young boys emigrating from Italy to Australia

Do you know much about your grandfathers parents on both sides? Is it possible that they passed away at young ages leaving behind small children?

We've all read how tough it would have been during that time in Italy but to send 13/14 years olds on a 4 week boat trip to a foreign country seems odd ...
by PicaJ
31 Jan 2025, 05:25
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: Help regarding Cosmo Cirillo Born 25 May 1894 Molfetta
Replies: 10
Views: 413

Re: Help regarding Cosmo Cirillo Born 25 May 1894 Molfetta

I wonder why it's a closed paper? Usually for about $30 they release that archive... how frustrating. Are you in Australia? I noticed that Antonia Candida's brother Nicolo made it to Australia as well, but on the FamilySearch tree nothing was noted of his marriages... is there a reason for that? NAA ...
by PicaJ
31 Jan 2025, 00:21
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: Help regarding Cosmo Cirillo Born 25 May 1894 Molfetta
Replies: 10
Views: 413

Re: Help regarding Cosmo Cirillo Born 25 May 1894 Molfetta

You can also try contacting NAA (Nation Archives Australia) - when you search for Cosmo he does have a couple of files to his name which could help your research. He arrived in SA 1921 then it says he nominated for his sister in-law Maria Domenica in 1934 so that's also worth a try.

https ...
by PicaJ
24 Jan 2025, 05:42
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: Need guidance on how to find info on Great grandparents
Replies: 11
Views: 1224

Re: Need guidance on how to find info on Great grandparents

Hi Julie,

I found a couple birth records of your Azzarelli's in Egypt.

Lucia Antonia Azzarelli born Cairo 18 May 1893 - side note she married Georgio Zupponi in Alexandria 29 May 1910

Constantino Azzarelli born Cairo ...
by PicaJ
24 Jan 2025, 01:42
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: Place of birth of Grandfather
Replies: 1
Views: 9120

Re: Place of birth of Grandfather

Hi Shaun,

Even though I'm a year late on this response, I hope you are still active on the forum.

Your wife's grandfather was born 28th December 1889 in Cairo Egypt. He was named Innocenzo Maria Giorgio Laurella. His parents were Giovanni Laurella and Maria Zahra. The link below is his birth ...
by PicaJ
13 Jul 2023, 04:59
Forum: Italian language, handwriting , script & translations
Topic: Death Record Translation for Baldassare Di Giuseppe
Replies: 7
Views: 426

Re: Death Record Translation for Baldassare Di Giuseppe

Hi P.M.Cass

This is how I see it.

Baldassare Di Giuseppe died 70 yrs old - Occupation - Farmer
His dad Savino was also a Farmer.

I'm not sure on the next so hopefully someone can confirm - his wife is Dea Archimio?

Theres also the name Maria ... Marchitelli mentioned? His mum's name?
by PicaJ
12 Jul 2023, 02:50
Forum: Italian language, handwriting , script & translations
Topic: Help deciphering handwriting
Replies: 14
Views: 823

Re: Help deciphering handwriting

Here's another piece to your puzzle Friederock ... 03/wWp4QdL

1820 Marriage - Antonio Golino - Maria Teresa Cecere
by PicaJ
12 Jul 2023, 01:35
Forum: Italian language, handwriting , script & translations
Topic: Help deciphering handwriting
Replies: 14
Views: 823

Re: Help deciphering handwriting

I agree it's Angela Delli Paoli - that surname is from the Campania area
by PicaJ
06 Jul 2023, 07:59
Forum: Italian language, handwriting , script & translations
Topic: Plz help translating birth record
Replies: 3
Views: 285

Re: Plz help translating birth record

Thank you so much Angela for taking the time to go through this.

Yeah I knew about Cairo and most of the names and a few days after posting this I worked out Lorenzo's age which allowed me to get the family tree to mid 1700's Bari but what you've translated is amazing so thanks again!
by PicaJ
06 Jul 2023, 02:06
Forum: Italian language, handwriting , script & translations
Topic: Help deciphering handwriting
Replies: 14
Views: 823

Re: Help deciphering handwriting

That's amazing from mmogno.

Below is Lorenzo and Filomena's wedding cert... I can't quite see it properly but that gives Lorenzo's profession. ... 47/wbXqjd5
by PicaJ
05 Jul 2023, 12:47
Forum: Italian language, handwriting , script & translations
Topic: Help deciphering handwriting
Replies: 14
Views: 823

Re: Help deciphering handwriting

My guess Friederock is the side note is about her marriage but it's terribly hard to read - at first glance I thought I read 1907... but hopefully someone more experienced in reading them can help.

I know you didn't ask for this specifically but it says Lorenzo Golino is 50 years of age.
Below link ...
by PicaJ
04 Jul 2023, 04:21
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: Rome birth records 1940's
Replies: 6
Views: 674

Re: Rome birth records 1940's

Thx Pippo
by PicaJ
03 Jul 2023, 01:53
Forum: Italian Genealogy
Topic: Rome birth records 1940's
Replies: 6
Views: 674

Rome birth records 1940's

Hi All,

I'm after birth records from the commune of Rome 1930's - 1940's, are they accessible without physically being in Rome or do I need to hire a local Genealogist for the area?
If that's the case then could anyone recommend on who to use?
