looking for lastname Chiari from Elba Island
looking for lastname Chiari from Elba Island
My grand-grand-mother is a daugther of Juan Chiari and she's looking for any person or family who can give us some infomation about cousins neices nephews, relavtive family of juan Chiari.
Hi:In the past the Common of Isola d'Elba that it has endured one large emigration towards America has been Capolivari common. But currently not are persons Chiari surname in Capolivari, but in all Isola d'Elba, are currently only 2 persons in Portoferraio common, and only 1 person in Porto Azzurro common:
-Portoferraio-Isola d'Elba (Livorno province- Toscana region)
http://paginebianche.virgilio.it/pb/cer ... 3&cc=65840&
-Porto Azzurro-Isola d'Elba(Livorno province-Toscana region)
http://paginebianche.virgilio.it/pb/cer ... 3&cc=65780&
moreover test to try using exact spelling name: GIOVANNI(Juan) CHIARI
insert your message in guestbook Isola d'Elba there will be greater probabilities for your search
-Portoferraio-Isola d'Elba (Livorno province- Toscana region)
http://paginebianche.virgilio.it/pb/cer ... 3&cc=65840&
-Porto Azzurro-Isola d'Elba(Livorno province-Toscana region)
http://paginebianche.virgilio.it/pb/cer ... 3&cc=65780&
moreover test to try using exact spelling name: GIOVANNI(Juan) CHIARI
insert your message in guestbook Isola d'Elba there will be greater probabilities for your search
There are 15 pwersons surnamed Chiari in the province of Livorno which may have relatvies of your on or from Elba. You can write in Italian or very simple english and ask them if they are related to you. Go to www.paginebianche.it and insert Chiari in the first line and LI (for the entire province of livorno which includes Elba) and click CERCA for the 15 person names,addresses and telephone numbers. Suggest you send one letter to all 15 with an envleiope in each letter with a dollar inside for stamps and your name and address on the envlope to ecnourage a reply. Peter