Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

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Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Scottclair625 »

I'm looking for information on the family of great-great-great-grandfather, Benedetto Arpino, who was born in either 1826 or 1839 in Sant'Elia Fiumerapido or one of the surrounding communi. This is certainly where his daughter, Michelangela Arpino was born in 1857/1858.

Can anyone help me find out if he had any more children or siblings and who his parents were? His wife was called Benedetta Cascarino.
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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Italysearcher »

You should be able to get a good start in the microfilms from the LDS.
Ann Tatangelo
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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Emmy »

Hi Scottclair,
I have a lot of films for Sant'Elia Fiumerapido on extended loan. Next time I'm at the Family History Centre I'll check to see if I can give you some help.
My Geat grandmother's maiden name was(Domenica) Cascarino and I've still to find her birth/death records yet-
In the past I have come across quite a few Arpino's. I've just checked my records and I do have the films for the years you mentioned re Benedetto and Michelangela but it will be at least a week before I get back to check the records at teh FHC so just keep checking the post and I'll get back to you.
I have already recorded some death records I'll check the ones I have on the computer to find out if there are any links there.
Fingers crossed
Emmy xx
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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Darpino »

OK as its obvious my screen name here is Darpino. this is my moms maidedn name but it was orginally D'Arpino which means from arpino.. well that is in the lazio prvodence. but they claimed they were from naples.
then went to argentina and to america.
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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Emmy »

Just to let you know I havent forgotten to look up the records for you. I was going yesterday then discovered the Family History Centre was closed. Staff are on holiday. Hope they will be back next week.
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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by PeterTimber »

either write for the daughters birth record in Sant'elia Fiumerapido or the military records for Benedetto at The Archivio di Stato in Frosinone since they may have his prior to Italy's unification the the 1860-1870's his military records. Please let me know if you need assistance in this regard. =Peter=
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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Emmy »

Hi Scottclair
I was at the Family history Centre yesterdayI found an index reference for Benedetto Arpino (index numer 120)on the film- number 1172280 covering births from 1826/1839.It was very annoying because it was a very faded film and the information from the index was very diificult to read.
The index number was clear--number 120
and the year was 1828 I couldnt make out his father's or mother's name the date of birth could be 10th November,

I searched the actual birth documents but I think I made a mistake when checking the document- I hadnt been looking in the correct place for the 2nd part of the birth record. and if this is the correct birth act for him Benedetto's father was 52 years old when Benedetto was born. Hopefully I'll be going back next week and I recheck this for you.
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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Emmy »

Birth Act Benedetto Arpino
born 10th November a 10 am 1828 in the house where mother and father lived -(looks like- Via Ricetto de Vallaluca
Father- Costantino Arpino age 22 when Benedetto was born (Sorry I made a mistake re the age on the first it is 22 not 52)
Mother- Not clear could be Polina /Colina 2nd name ??Crescera?? age 20 when Benedetto was born
Constantino profession = Molinaro

I have taken photographs of the birth act but the image is very poor I've tried to lighten them but i'm going to try to attach both versions.
Will put them on a separate post.
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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Emmy »


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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Emmy »

same birth acts but lightened

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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Scottclair625 »

Hi, thanks for that. Unfortunately, the only way I can be sure this is the same Benedetto that I have would be if his parents were listed on his marriage certicate to Benedetta Cascarino, which I wouldn't have a clue where to find! Do you know where I could find this information to confirm?

Thanks again,

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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Italysearcher »

There are lots of Cascarino in Picinisco.
Ann Tatangelo
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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by PeterTimber »

Did you check for any military records inthe provincial archives as I suggested up above? =Peter=
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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Scottclair625 »

Hi Peter,

No, unfortunately I haven't managed to do this as yet. I'm afraid I'm really a complete novice that this sort of things!

Thanks anyway
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Re: Arpino - Sant'Elia Fiumerapido

Post by Emmy »

Hopefully I'll be going back next week to the FHC I've checked the films and I have the marriage film for the years 1851-1861 and as his daughter Michelangela was born in 1857/58 if Benedetto and Benedetta married in Sant'Elia then its likely they may have been married 1857 or earlier. I hope the record will be on this film.

I'll look up Michelangela's birth record too and if I find her birth Act) I'll check that film to find out if she had any brothers/sisters

I'll let you know what I find
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