Death Record lists the same name for Mother and Wife

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Death Record lists the same name for Mother and Wife

Post by CaptainCatholic »

Hello everyone!

I ran into a puzzling finding on a death certificate! My 4th-Great-Grandfather was Antonio Picucci. He married my 4th-Great-Grandmother, Celeste Zufano (not totally sure of the spelling of her last name... could be Zufano, Zofano, Fasano, Lugano, etc. But I think it's Zufano).

In any case, I recently found Antonio's death record. It lists his father as Leonardo... but it appears to list his mother as "Maria Celeste Zufano." (Unless I'm reading the surname incorrectly?).

It seems like it lists his mother as having the very same name as his wife. Now, I am really hoping that Antonio did not marry his mother, hahaha. Is it possible that the witness accidentally gave his wife's name when asked for the name of his mother, or perhaps the official meant to write that Celeste Zufano was his wife and not his mother?

The thing is, the Index also lists "Celeste Zufano" as his mother. Kind of strange. I'm crossing my fingers that my 4th-Great-Grandfather didn't marry his mother!!! Haha.

The following documents are attached for reference (you have to be at a Family History Center to view them online so I thought I'd attach photos of them):

1) Antonio Picucci's Death Record
2) The Index Listing for Antonio Picucci's Death Record (he's #31)
3) The Death Record for Antonio Picucci's son, Michele, which shows that Michele's mother (and therefore Antonio's wife) was Celeste Zufano. (Michele's death record #42). I have many, many other records which lists the name of Antonio's wife, Celeste Zufano, if needed for additional reference!

A couple of other notes... Antonio Picucci was 80 years old when he died. His father, Leonardo, was listed as "fu" (deceased) at the time of Antonio's death, but the "Maria Celeste Zufano" that is listed as Antonio's mother is not listed as "fu." I can't imagine his mother would have still been living if Antonio was 80 years old?

I do know that Antonio Picucci's wife, Celeste Zufano, died in 1804 (I found her death certificate in the marriage processetti for her son, Michele Picucci).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much!
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Re: Death Record lists the same name for Mother and Wife

Post by arturo.c »

Antonio Picucci passed away on Oct. 2nd 1829.
His son Michele passed away on March 9th, 1885.

The two events are 56 years apart, so it is entirely plausible that both of them married ladies that belonged to the same family (Zufano) but of different branches, and where "Celeste" was a popular name for girls.

The same fact that one is named "Celeste Zufano" and the other "Maria Celeste Zufano" could prove that they are not the same person.
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Re: Death Record lists the same name for Mother and Wife

Post by MarcuccioV »

I agree with Arturo's comment above. In my grandparent's town there were a limited number of surnames so you would often find relatives with the same surname on both sides.

In our case, my grandfather's grandmother was "Maria Rosa Attiani" -- my grandmother (his wife) was "Maria Attiani". Different branches of the same 'base' family.

In going through the town's marriage records, occasionally you will come upon a marriage of two people with the SAME surname...

If you ignore your foundation, your house will soon collapse...

Surnames: Attiani Belli Bucci Calvano Cerci Del Brusco Falera Giorgi Latini Marsili Mattia Mezzo Nardecchia Pellegrini Piacentini Pizzuti Pontecorvo Recchia Topani Ziantona & Zorli
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