Translation pretty please
Translation pretty please
Hi All,
I'm just getting back into some research and need some assistance with translation of record 144 (Marriana Casabene). Parents name, location etc would be greatly appreciated. ... cc=1483039
I'm just getting back into some research and need some assistance with translation of record 144 (Marriana Casabene). Parents name, location etc would be greatly appreciated. ... cc=1483039
Re: Translation pretty please
Record date: Aug 25, 1868
Deceased: Marianna Casabene, 38 years old, occupation "industriosa", born and residing in this town, widow of Vincenzo di Vita, daughter of Croce (?) and Vincenza Zavattieri, both deceased. She passed away on the same day at 10am, at her home in via Calvario.
Deceased: Marianna Casabene, 38 years old, occupation "industriosa", born and residing in this town, widow of Vincenzo di Vita, daughter of Croce (?) and Vincenza Zavattieri, both deceased. She passed away on the same day at 10am, at her home in via Calvario.
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi
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Re: Translation pretty please
Thanks Heaps Pippo, I appreciate you and Erudita and all the rest that help us translate these records. It’s been a massive help in growing my family tree, I’m sure others appreciate all your hard work too.
Much Love
Much Love
Re: Translation pretty please
Hi again, found some more records. I thought I'll post up in here as not to start a new thread.
Need help with the below record for Giuseppe Casabene ... cc=1483039
Many thanks
Need help with the below record for Giuseppe Casabene ... cc=1483039
Many thanks
Re: Translation pretty please
Record date: Apr 8, 1866
Declarant: Biaggia Ajello, 60 years old, midwife
Child: a male, born on the same day at 10am, in parents' home at strada Spirito Santo, who is given name Giuseppe
Mother: Marianna Lillana (?), 18 yo, "industriosa" (manufacturer or trader)
Father: Giovanni Casabene, 23 yo, "industrioso"
Declarant: Biaggia Ajello, 60 years old, midwife
Child: a male, born on the same day at 10am, in parents' home at strada Spirito Santo, who is given name Giuseppe
Mother: Marianna Lillana (?), 18 yo, "industriosa" (manufacturer or trader)
Father: Giovanni Casabene, 23 yo, "industrioso"
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi
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Re: Translation pretty please
Thanks Pippo
Re: Translation pretty please
Hi again,
I have a couple more records I need help with translation please.
Salvatore Nicosia
Record 780 ... cc=1493344
Michele Nicosia / wife is Giuseppa Centorbi I think
Record 795 ... cc=1493344
I have a couple more records I need help with translation please.
Salvatore Nicosia
Record 780 ... cc=1493344
Michele Nicosia / wife is Giuseppa Centorbi I think
Record 795 ... cc=1493344
Re: Translation pretty please
Nicosia Salvatore
Date: Oct 15, 1854
Groom: Salvatore Nicosia, son of Michele, and of deceased Giuseppa Centorbi, from this town
Bride: Maria Di Martino, daughter of deceased Salvatore, and Maria Luca, from this town
They got an authorization to marry by the Bishop, because of their relationship of 2nd/3rd degree (cousins)
Date: Oct 15, 1854
Groom: Salvatore Nicosia, son of Michele, and of deceased Giuseppa Centorbi, from this town
Bride: Maria Di Martino, daughter of deceased Salvatore, and Maria Luca, from this town
They got an authorization to marry by the Bishop, because of their relationship of 2nd/3rd degree (cousins)
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi
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Re: Translation pretty please
Antonino Incremona
record date: Dec 22, 1887
Declarant (father): Carmelo Incremona, 25 years old, peasant, living in Monterosso
Mother: a woman who is not mentioned, and is not related to the declarant in such a way that would prevent recognition
Child: Antonino, born on Dec 19, at 3:05pm, in the house situated in via Operai
The side notes say Antonino married on Apr 29, 1909 Santa Paladino, daugher of Giuseppe, in Monterosso
and again, on Mar 21, 1912, Rosa Fatuzzo, daughter of deceased Antonino
record date: Dec 22, 1887
Declarant (father): Carmelo Incremona, 25 years old, peasant, living in Monterosso
Mother: a woman who is not mentioned, and is not related to the declarant in such a way that would prevent recognition
Child: Antonino, born on Dec 19, at 3:05pm, in the house situated in via Operai
The side notes say Antonino married on Apr 29, 1909 Santa Paladino, daugher of Giuseppe, in Monterosso
and again, on Mar 21, 1912, Rosa Fatuzzo, daughter of deceased Antonino
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi
Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
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Re: Translation pretty please
Michele Nicosia
record date: Dec 31, 1854
Groom: Michele Nicosia, widower of Giuseppa Centorbi, son of deceased Croce, and (living?) Maria Ferrari
Bride: Angela Sinatra (?), daughter of Baldassarre and Rosa Cafiso
record date: Dec 31, 1854
Groom: Michele Nicosia, widower of Giuseppa Centorbi, son of deceased Croce, and (living?) Maria Ferrari
Bride: Angela Sinatra (?), daughter of Baldassarre and Rosa Cafiso
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi
Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
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Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
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Re: Translation pretty please
Thanks Pippo, I was able to find the birth record with that info for Michele. It was written much clearer and surname for Maria is "Ferracane". Which then helped me find the marriage record for his father.
Are you able to please translate marriage record for him and his father ... cc=1493344 ... cc=1493344
Much appreciated
Are you able to please translate marriage record for him and his father ... cc=1493344 ... cc=1493344
Much appreciated
Re: Translation pretty please
Jul 9th, 1808
Croce Nicosia, of this town, widower of deceased Francesca Fragapane, son of Tommaso Nicosia and Antonina Renna, both deceased
Maria Ferracane, of this town, widow of deceased Pasquale Gianformaggio, daughter of deceased Francesco Ferracane and living Anna Salafia
Croce Nicosia, of this town, widower of deceased Francesca Fragapane, son of Tommaso Nicosia and Antonina Renna, both deceased
Maria Ferracane, of this town, widow of deceased Pasquale Gianformaggio, daughter of deceased Francesco Ferracane and living Anna Salafia
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi
Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
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Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
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Re: Translation pretty please
Nov 7th, 1829
Michele Nicosia, of this town, son of Croce Nicosia, and Maria Ferracane
Giuseppa Centorbi, of this town, daughter of Michele Centorbi, and Antonina Di Gironimo
Michele Nicosia, of this town, son of Croce Nicosia, and Maria Ferracane
Giuseppa Centorbi, of this town, daughter of Michele Centorbi, and Antonina Di Gironimo
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi
Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
Translation of your (old) documents and letters.
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Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
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