I am looking for information about my great-great-grandparents in the records of Italy, I have found a bit, but I have reached a dead end, most likely due to my lack of knowledge on the subject. I would be very grateful if anyone could help me. What I need to get specifically are the following records:
1-Birth Certificate of Erasmo Morice Piaggio (he is my great grandfather)
2-Marriage Certificate of Francesco Luigi Morice Pietranera with Maria Maddalena Piaggio Revello, if possible their birth certificates. They can appear with one name.
3- Any other record that can be obtained
I am adding all the information I have, I think this will allow for a better search.
1-Family Tree

2-General Information

3-Morice-Piaggio Chronology

4-Link to the result of a search in FamilySearch with data that I could not or did not know how to access.
I also have some images of records of some of Erasmus' relatives, I add them for reference.
3-Censimento_ErasmoPiaggio.jpg Link a la fuente Link Portale Antenati: https://antenati.cultura.gov.it/ark:/12 ... 01/wkVjapJ
I really appreciate any help you can give me.
Best regards