Duel Citizenship papers

Over 25 million Italians have emigrated between 1861 and 1960 with a migration boom between 1871 and 1915 when over 13,5 million emigrants left the country for European and overseas destinations.
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Duel Citizenship papers

Post by bring »

I can not find any papers on when my Great grandfather entered the US, I can not find him on any ship records. Is there any paperwork ie. censes or residence status, that might prove he was still in Italy in 1861? He lived in the Borzonasca, Genoa area.
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Re: Duel Citizenship papers

Post by cedrone »

It is not required to prove the exact date of arrival in the US.
If you have identified correctly the person emigrated and found his birth act, if emigrated before 1861 it is considered automatically become Italian from the preceding Kingdom of Sardinia. I suppose this is the interpretation also in the consulates in the USA.
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Re: Duel Citizenship papers

Post by bring »

How can I prove that my Great grandfather left Italy after 1861? The first record of him in the US is 1863. An attorney told me I need to prove that he did not leave Italy before 1861. Would there be any records, like tax or censuses that he would of been recorded on?
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Re: Duel Citizenship papers

Post by cedrone »

It is not so, but you may ask confirmation to the consulate.
Many people emigrated before 1861.
Did you find his birth act?
If he was of Genova area he was citizen of the Kingdom of Sardinia, in 1861 the emigrated should have registered at the cosulate of the new Kingdom of Italy, but no one made it, so now it is supposed it was made and all emigrated are cosidered become Italian, with their descendants.
You need to verify that the first immigrant didn't ask voluntary another citizenship and also all descendants, until you, didn't renounce to the Italian citizenship.
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Re: Duel Citizenship papers

Post by bring »

Yes I have his baptismal certificate. He was born at home in Bel Piano. There is no record of him of Declaration
or Petitioning for US Citizenship. I did see an Italian paper of his parents and that did have Kingdom of Sardinia on it, but that was around 1830. Would it be best to call the Consulate's office? The attorneys I have spoken with say I need to prove that my immigration ancestor was from Italy and not a Kingdom of Sardinia resident when he left. They also said that I have to prove by witness birth since he was born at home and his Uncle who was a Priest, baptized him. These are the only two things holding me up. Thank you for your input
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Re: Duel Citizenship papers

Post by cedrone »

Excuse me, but it is not so (with respect to your attorneys).
To begin you need to see which procedure you must follow, if it is a "simple" one you don't need a lawyer.
If it's necessary a lawyer, we'll see later.
First, if you must apply at a consulate, you must follow exactly the instruction given.
In some Countries the consulates are collapsed, it's nearly impossible to present new requests (ex. Argentina, Canada).
I think it's not the case of US, because the procedure is different, made by mail, not in presence.
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Re: Duel Citizenship papers

Post by cedrone »

Did you have that paper of 1830 at home or have you found somewhere on internet?
How did you find the baptismal record?
It was usual to be born at home.

You need first a certificate made by the parish and the diocese with date of birth/baptism and names of parents.

Write all your tree from the immigrant to you with the birth dates and we'll see which is the procedure for you..
Then send me a PM with another form of contact (mail, whatsapp, Messenger) and we'll continue there.
(I'm not a lawyer, I don't have an agency in this field, I try only to help if I can)
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Re: Duel Citizenship papers

Post by bring »

The 1830's was something I found on line while I was trying to find other relatives still in Italy. I did have a Professional Genealogist trace my ancestor, with the help of DNA. The baptismal record is a copy of what's on file for my Great grand father. He was born in Dec 1841, at home. Because he was born at home there in no birth certificate, only the Priest's baptism. Back in the day, the parish asked for witness statements of the pregnancy and/or birth. There is also the problem that when he came to the US his name was Americanize. That's one of reasons I needed to contact an immigration attorney, to make sure that it was not changed by legal means (citizenship), which it appears that it was not. He did not go though Ellis Island, so there was no record of Immigration, we even looked though Canadian records. So I will need as much as I can find in order to file amendments. I do have a relative in Liguria, we have had a sever falling out, over politics. So I have to go around him. He was going to give me family information, but changed his mind over Right Wing and Left Wing politics. He now doesn't want to help me. I can send you a tree. If you send me an email I can send it to. Thank You
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Re: Duel Citizenship papers

Post by cedrone »

I don't understand which witnesses the parish may ask.
In that age (1843) in the Kingdom of Sardinia the registers were written by the priest, but also as a civil official, they were in 3 copies, for the parish, the diocese and the comune, it seems not all survived, in the diocese of Genova it seems there are only those at the parishes, so you need to tell me which is the parish (of which comune), if you found the act on internet ok,
For citizenship, should be asked a certificate of the parish, legalized by the diocese. (it gives dates of birth and baptism, names of father and mother), in the register may be other info, but not necessary for citizenship.
If you have to use this certificate also in the US, for rectifications or other, i think there is asked also the apostille,
rectifications should be made only if requested by consulate, translation of names was usual, if it is evident that it is the same person, usually it's not necessary the rectification of the acts of the descendants.
I'll try to send a PM with my e-mail.
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