I am searchin for a relative from italian ascendance, my biological father, but I have no surname to start with !
My purpose is to determine from where, in Italy are my origins. And know about more distant ancestors
I read through a lot of post and I am wondering if you could help me go further. To help me identify possible leads or tracks to investigate. Or hypothesis I could consider
I am looking for a Frank (or Franck) - possibly francesco at birth
He his my paternal linkage
Surname: unknown - short: 1 or 2 syllables - and of germanic or east-europe consonance
He was born around 1934-1939
Immigrated in the Oshawa (Ontario) region in the middle of 1950'
Profession: electrician or engineer in electricity
Probable origin Northern Italy
Physical trait: one eye of blue color; one eye of brownish color
Might have emigrate to US in late 1960 - but this is not sure.
I already started with some hypothesis
and I will give them a try
For example:
hypothesis: A lot of immigrants in the Oshawa region worked for General Motors. Frank might have. I made contact
-No information is available from human resources (confidentiality)
-However I will be able to consult newspapwers (with retirees; social events,...)
So do you have ideas - like these or others Just to help me orient my search ?
I do not know Italy
-Udine was a city where italian immigrants came - are there registers ?
-Boats: is it more likely that he might have left from Genova - or not at all
-Are boats passengers available for 1950"s
-Eye color difference - is it a genetic trait ?
-Would DNA testing of myself (a women - I know it brings less info) could help identify my region of origin
Many thanks
PS I know it seem an impossible mission

But a few years ago, I was able to find my biological mother - a canadian who lived in Milan since 1970. I started withno name - only her father's age and occupation, her region of origin and numbers of siblings in the family. I have been able to draw my genealogical tree up to 1650