Jure Sanguinis Appointment at New York Consulate?

Over 25 million Italians have emigrated between 1861 and 1960 with a migration boom between 1871 and 1915 when over 13,5 million emigrants left the country for European and overseas destinations.
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Jure Sanguinis Appointment at New York Consulate?

Post by SBarretta »

Hello, Italian-Gen community!

Curious to know if any have had any luck securing a Jure Sanguinis appointment at the New York consulate. I have been refreshing the page daily at 6pm (per the recommendation on the consulate's site) to no avail.

Hoping there are other tricks I can try, though I'm not optimistic. As a resident of New York City, can I apply at any other potentially less in-demand consulates?

Thank you

For anyone curious, more info on my JS request:
https://www.italiangenealogy.com/forum/ ... logy/45225
https://www.italiangenealogy.com/forum/ ... 62#p276462
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Re: Jure Sanguinis Appointment at New York Consulate?

Post by mler »

No, you will have to apply in NY. You may want to join the Facebook dual citizenship group. They provide tips for obtaining appointments that may be of help.
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Re: Jure Sanguinis Appointment at New York Consulate?

Post by WhereisPio »

While I cannot place the source of where I read it, this worked for me: new appointments are released on Mondays only at Roman midnight. I did that while refreshing the browser like crazy and saw 3 formerly non-available appointments turn green right before my eyes. It is still about 21 months away, so patience is needed. Best of luck!
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Re: Jure Sanguinis Appointment at New York Consulate?

Post by SBarretta »

Hi mler & all - quickly closing the loop on this thread should it be helpful to future users.

I was able to secure an appointment at the NYC consulate by logging in to the calendar page at 6PM exactly -credentials entered & ready for me to hit go as soon as the clock ticked 6:00:00. They appear to open up one day of appointments every evening, 2 years out (I made my appointment for 12/9/21 on 12/9/19 ).

Just managed this by setting a reminder on my work PC at 5:50pm to prepare. For those having trouble, 6:01 is too late :)

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Re: Jure Sanguinis Appointment at New York Consulate?

Post by bitterbatter »

Hi - i just tried the stroke-of-6 trick - but the 8th of january 2022 is a saturday, so not available. When do appointments for Monday 1/11/2022 open up? Sunday at 6? or Friday (tomorrow)?

thanks so much!

Joe Zizzo - New York
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