Is this for olive oil???

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Is this for olive oil???

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As you can see in the picture, this object has a hole in the top, perhaps for olive oil or other? There are two arms for hanging and at the base there are two holes to anchor, like with a nail or screw. I got this from my mother when she passed. I don't know where she got it, but I seem to remember it in my grandparents home. They came from Abruzzi in the early 1900's. Any idea what this might be?

Thanks, Rick
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Re: Is this for olive oil???

Post by MarcuccioV »

I have seen similar objects that were, in fact, olive oil containers (there would be a cork for the top). Let's see what others have to say...

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Re: Is this for olive oil???

Post by bbivona »

Almost certainly it's an olive oil dispenser for table or kitchen use. In Sicily we call it an oliere. Olive oil can be used for a long time - even 3-4 years - but it's enemies are light, heat, and air. It keeps its flavor much longer when all three are avoided, so the most efficient way to store it in the kitchen is a ceramic container with a cork top, keeping light and air away from the oil. We have one similar to this one in our kitchen. We have 10 liter metal cans of oil that we keep in the closet and we refill the oliere from that. You'll find clear glass ones, but those are usually small so that the oil is used quickly. Larger ones need to be ceramic or dark glass to keep light out.
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Re: Is this for olive oil???

Post by darkerhorse »

The artwork doesn't especially resemble an olive tree. Looks more like an almond tree branch. My grandparents had a container like that, but larger, which held drinking liquids.
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