Playing the Percentages

Genetic genealogy is the application of genetics to traditional genealogy. Genetic genealogy involves the use of genealogical DNA testing to determine the level and type of the genetic relationship between individuals.
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Playing the Percentages

Post by darkerhorse »

By paper trail, it appears that of my 64 ggps, 32 were Italian (Sicilian), 16 were French, 12 were Norwegian, 3 were German, and 1 was Danish.

The percentages are: 50%, 25%, 18.75%, 4.69%, and 1.56%, respectively.

The 50% Italian is the paternal side. The rest are on the maternal side.

How likely is it that DNA testing would detect each ethnicity?

The French might have some American Indian.
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Re: Playing the Percentages

Post by MarcuccioV »

darkerhorse wrote: 13 Feb 2024, 21:28 By paper trail, it appears that of my 64 ggps, 32 were Italian (Sicilian), 16 were French, 12 were Norwegian, 3 were German, and 1 was Danish.

The percentages are: 50%, 25%, 18.75%, 4.69%, and 1.56%, respectively.

The 50% Italian is the paternal side. The rest are on the maternal side.

How likely is it that DNA testing would detect each ethnicity?

The French might have some American Indian.
You would get the Italian (Sicilian), French & Norwegian. The German is likely as well. The Danish (through Ancestry) would come up as NW Europe. They can find 1% ethnicities often. It may well be affected by the random recombination of DNA, so the percentages COULD be vastly different from your mathematical examples (EXCEPT for the 50% Italian). No way to tell. It would only be as accurate as a guess.

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Re: Playing the Percentages

Post by darkerhorse »

I should have written 64 ggggps (4x great-grandparents) but the math is the same.

During the time that German and Danish were introduced into the family tree (mid-1700s to early 1800s) my understanding is that Norway was under Denmark rule which was under Germany rule, so nationality was fluid.

The French all came in through Canada.

The Italian (Sicilian) appears thoroughbred over centuries.
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Re: Playing the Percentages

Post by MarcuccioV »

darkerhorse wrote: 14 Feb 2024, 04:12 I should have written 64 ggggps (4x great-grandparents) but the math is the same.

During the time that German and Danish were introduced into the family tree (mid-1700s to early 1800s) my understanding is that Norway was under Denmark rule which was under Germany rule, so nationality was fluid.

The French all came in through Canada.

The Italian (Sicilian) appears thoroughbred over centuries.
The ethnicities will indicate where the DNA is geographically found present day. So fluid nationality would not be a factor, except that it could modify the percentages somewhat based on current national origins.

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Surnames: Attiani Belli Bucci Calvano Cerci Del Brusco Falera Giorgi Latini Marsili Mattia Mezzo Nardecchia Pellegrini Piacentini Pizzuti Pontecorvo Recchia Topani Ziantona & Zorli
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