Birth Records from Cerisano, Calabria

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Birth Records from Cerisano, Calabria

Post by bmorocco »


I just got these records for Great-Grandparents sent to me from Family Search (not online yet), and this will open up new doors for moving further, as the names / maiden names have become forgotten. But The handwriting, though elegant, is difficult. And this form is a bit different from the standard, I think.

I plan to pursue dual citizenship through Salvatore, depending on when he had child in US, of course... If not I will go through Carolina (his wife).

I also look forward to being a help in any way I can to this site. Thanks in advance!

Salvatore Santelli (Lower Right)
Bill Morocco

Names in my family I'm working on: Muraca, Moraca, Santelli, Tolone, Patituccio, Castelucci, Grandinetti
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Re: Birth Records from Cerisano, Calabria

Post by Tessa78 »

Having difficulty enlarging to read it.

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Re: Birth Records from Cerisano, Calabria

Post by Waylon »

Father: Ferdiando Santelli, son of the deceased Raffaele Santelli (estimated DOB: 1858)
Father occupation: Contadino (farmer)
Mother: Carolina Pugliano, daughter of the living Vincenzo Pugliano
Occupation: Filatrice (spinner)
Son: Salvatore Santelli
Son Date of Birth: 26 Feb 1888
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Re: Birth Records from Cerisano, Calabria

Post by bmorocco »

Do you have another suggestion for the image posting? I saw that used in another thread. Family Search sent me an enlargement of the lower right section, but the enlargement becomes a bit blurred.

I've attempted to crop, but not enlarge: ... d-1888.png
Bill Morocco

Names in my family I'm working on: Muraca, Moraca, Santelli, Tolone, Patituccio, Castelucci, Grandinetti
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Re: Birth Records from Cerisano, Calabria

Post by arturo.c »

Numero 15

Santelli Salvatore di Ferdinando

L'anno 1888 addì 29 di febbraio, ad ore antimeridiane 8 e minuti 5, nella Casa Comunale, avanti a me Domenico Caracciolo, Segretario delegato del Sindaco con atto del 23 ottobre 1885, debitamente approvato, Ufficiale di Stato Civile del Comune di Cerisano, è comparso Ferdinando Santelli fu Raffaele di anni 30, contadino, domiciliato in Cerisano, il quale mi ha dichiarato che alle ore pomeridiane 3 del dì 26 del suddetto mese, nella casa posta in Via Savocello al numero 30, da Carolina Pugliano di Vincenzo, filatrice, moglie legittima seco lui convivente, è nato un bambino di sesso maschile che egli mi presenta, ed a cui dà il nome di Salvatore.

A quanto sopra e a questo atto sono presenti quali testimoni Michele Bilotto fu Antonio, di anni 50, contadino, e Antonio Marino fu Francesco, di anni 50, contadino, entrambi residenti in questo Comune.

Letto l'atto presente agli intervenuti, steso nei suoi registri, non lo hanno meco sottoscritto perché analfabeti come hanno asserito.

No. 15

Santelli Salvatore of Ferdinando

On the year 1888 on the day February 29th at 8:05 AM, in the Municipal House, in front of me Domenico Caracciolo, Deputy Secretary of the Mayor with deed of 23 October 1885, duly approved, Civil Status Officer of the Municipality of Cerisano, appeared Ferdinando Santelli son of the late Raffaele aged 30, farmer, domiciled in Cerisano, who told me that at 3 pm on the 26th of the aforementioned month, in the house located in Via Savocello at number 30, by Carolina Pugliano di Vincenzo, spinner , legitimate wife cohabiting with him, a male child was born whom he introduces to me, and to whom he gives the name of Salvatore.

To the above and to this act were present as witnesses Michele Bilotto son of the late Antonio, aged 50, farmer, and Antonio Marino son of the late Francesco, aged 50, farmer, both residing in this Municipality.

Having read this deed to those present, drawn up in these registers, they did not sign it with me because they were illiterate as they declared to be.
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Re: Birth Records from Cerisano, Calabria

Post by bmorocco »

Thank you so Much for your help. I could make out most of the filled in blanks. But when the official begins writing. in earnest, I could not follow it. (A shame I spent years studying Russian calligraphy instead!)
I think I read here that the date of the child's birth is often subordinated to the date of this document. I know that Salvatore kept the 29/2 date (sometimes mistaken for 1889) through all other documents.

Thanks to this document and your help, I can confirm, finally THIS Salvatore's parents, as opposed to several others. The records on Antenati for Cosenza only have the military service, but at least I can be sure that he came to USA, then returned for service. Then re-emigrated about 1911.
Bill Morocco

Names in my family I'm working on: Muraca, Moraca, Santelli, Tolone, Patituccio, Castelucci, Grandinetti
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Re: Birth Records from Cerisano, Calabria

Post by Barbara Ann »

Hello! Would you please tell me how and where you requested this record? Did you have to pay a fee? Thank you!
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Re: Birth Records from Cerisano, Calabria

Post by MarkGalvani »

I am also descended from Puglianos in Cerisano, and I have traced my line back to the mid 1700s. Curious to see if we can find out exactly how we are related!
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Re: Birth Records from Cerisano, Calabria

Post by Marysantell37 »

I’m looking for my Italian family and information > my
grandfather name is Salvatore Santelli and his wife was name is Carolina Petuch Santelli and my grandpa is Victor Anthony Santell, they live in Sharon, Mercer County, Pennsylvania if anyone knows them or their grandkids or great grandkids please reply back thanks
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Re: Birth Records from Cerisano, Calabria

Post by Marysantell37 »

I’m looking for my Italian family and information > my
grandfather name is Salvatore Santelli and his wife was name is Carolina Petuch Santelli and my grandpa is Victor Anthony Santell, they live in Sharon, Mercer County, Pennsylvania if anyone knows them or their grandkids or great grandkids please reply back thanks
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