Passport Appt. San Francisco, CA

Over 25 million Italians have emigrated between 1861 and 1960 with a migration boom between 1871 and 1915 when over 13,5 million emigrants left the country for European and overseas destinations.
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Passport Appt. San Francisco, CA

Post by signoretti »


I tried making a passport appointment for my daughters and I via the SF consulate website, and it is telling me there are no appointments available and to try again tomorrow.

Does anyone know by experience how long the wait may be for an appointment or how hard it is to get an appointment?

Our Italian passports have expired a couple years ago. The first time I made passport appointments was over 10 years ago, and it was easier.

Thanks ~
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Re: Passport Appt. San Francisco, CA

Post by cedrone »

Also in Italy you must wait a long time to ask a passport. Now in some towns a new procedure permits to ask and receive passports through the Post Offices.
But not all Italian citizens have a passport. In Europe it's necessary only for Great Britain, Russia and Bielorussia.
If you have a US passport, I suppose you may enter Italy even without an Italian passport (or not?) (I have to verify this).
. I want to say that, before the passport, it's more important to have the Italian Carta d'identità (do you have it?) (in the new electronic form).

It's the main document for identification purposes, and it's equivalent to the passport in all the European Union (27 States) (also for permanent residence) and some others, and as a tourist to reach other territories again, even outside Europe.
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