Thank you for the explanation definitely makes sense. Even more so in that it looks like everyone (generationally) has been a Master blacksmith by the titles, so maybe they had their own shop to keep running.
- D.
Help Translating Marriage record
Re: Help Translating Marriage record
Sull'età di Ninfa, io leggo "aetatis suae annorum sex sa triginta circiter". Secondo me "sa" è un'abbreviazione per "supra" e quindi "sex sa triginta" significa "sex supra triginta", sei sopra i trenta. Se è così l'età di Ninfa è circa 36 anni.
Emilio Lussu: “Che ne sarebbe della civiltà del mondo, se l’ingiusta violenza si potesse sempre imporre senza resistenza?”
Slava Ukraine!
תחי ישראל
Re: Help Translating Marriage record
G, when I first looked at Ninfa’s death record, I thought I saw the word “sex” for “six” but I couldn’t understand why it preceded the word triginta and didn’t follow it. I also couldn’t decipher what was written between the two words. Since I translated the 1744 baptism record for her, I was actually wondering if I had gotten her approximate age at death incorrect when I wrote that she was about thirty. I’ve never before seen an age written like this in a church record. You are probably correct about there being an abbreviation for the word “sopra” between the words “sex” and “triginta.” I really appreciate you always checking my translations from Latin to English. Your knowledge of the Latin language far exceeds mine, and I’m learning a lot from you. Come sempre, Grazie Mille
G, when I first looked at Ninfa’s death record, I thought I saw the word “sex” for “six” but I couldn’t understand why it preceded the word triginta and didn’t follow it. I also couldn’t decipher what was written between the two words. Since I translated the 1744 baptism record for her, I was actually wondering if I had gotten her approximate age at death incorrect when I wrote that she was about thirty. I’ve never before seen an age written like this in a church record. You are probably correct about there being an abbreviation for the word “sopra” between the words “sex” and “triginta.” I really appreciate you always checking my translations from Latin to English. Your knowledge of the Latin language far exceeds mine, and I’m learning a lot from you. Come sempre, Grazie Mille
Re: Help Translating Marriage record
per un numero scritto con lo stesso formato, vedi per esempio gli atti di morte citati qui: ... 19#p341319 ... cc=2046915
per un numero scritto con lo stesso formato, vedi per esempio gli atti di morte citati qui: ... 19#p341319 ... cc=2046915
Emilio Lussu: “Che ne sarebbe della civiltà del mondo, se l’ingiusta violenza si potesse sempre imporre senza resistenza?”
Slava Ukraine!
תחי ישראל
Re: Help Translating Marriage record
Grazie, G. Questi esempi sono molto chiari.
Grazie, G. Questi esempi sono molto chiari.