Hello, my 1948 case was filed, heard, and a ruling was released/ approved in April 2024.
I have been waiting ever since for the "passagio in giudicato" certificate of no appeal. My lawyer says the fee has been paid and they have tried to follow up countless times but it has been about (8) months and nothing from the court of Napoli as far as documentation. Any suggestions?
Thank you!
1948 Case Question
Re: 1948 Case Question
My ultimate question is, what do I do if this certificate never comes!
https://tribunale-napoli.giustizia.it/i ... icato.page
Is there some kind of time limit or automatic process that takes place? Or can I just got lost in the shuffle and wait years? The article attached tends to say there is a limit to the amount of time to wait?
https://tribunale-napoli.giustizia.it/i ... icato.page
Is there some kind of time limit or automatic process that takes place? Or can I just got lost in the shuffle and wait years? The article attached tends to say there is a limit to the amount of time to wait?