Hello everyone,
Hope you are doing well.
I am conducting genealogical research on my great-great-grandfather, Ernest Vimfles, who was born in Susa, Italy, in 1872. He was abandoned and, I believe, taken in by an orphanage. I have obtained his birth certificate, which states that both the first name Ernest and the surname Vimfles were given to him. However, this surname does not appear to have an Italian origin, and it has been very difficult to trace any linguistic or historical background for the name itself.
We have found some possible linguistic connections, such as "Wimpel" (german)—a cloth used to wrap the Torah—or "Wimple," which refers to a type of pennant or banner. However, we have not been able to establish a clear link.
Do you have any insights into where this name might originate? Or could you suggest where I could continue my research (who to contact)?
Thank you very much!
Italian great grand father with a specific last name
Re: Italian great grand father with a specific last name
Are his parents mentioned in the birth certificate, or are they unknown ("ignoti")?
In that case, his surname was probably invented.
Can you show us the certificate?
In that case, his surname was probably invented.
Can you show us the certificate?
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi
Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
Translation of your (old) documents and letters.
Legal assistance in Italy for your Italian citizenship.
Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
Translation of your (old) documents and letters.
Legal assistance in Italy for your Italian citizenship.
Re: Italian great grand father with a specific last name
No, he was abandoned and found in front of the hospice. What I find strange, even if it's a made-up name, is the fact that it doesn't sound at all Italian, and there are people with similar surnames (Vinfles, Wimfles) from Germany, Austria etc. I've never heard of them. Here's the birth certificate! Thank you !
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Re: Italian great grand father with a specific last name
It just depended on what crossed the Registrar's mind...
Sometimes he gave a name that could remind the parents; for instance, when he knew who they were, though they were not reported and abandoned the child. Or he just had heard a similar name.
Sometimes he gave a name that could remind the parents; for instance, when he knew who they were, though they were not reported and abandoned the child. Or he just had heard a similar name.
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi
Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
Translation of your (old) documents and letters.
Legal assistance in Italy for your Italian citizenship.
Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
Translation of your (old) documents and letters.
Legal assistance in Italy for your Italian citizenship.
Re: Italian great grand father with a specific last name
Thank you ! I've just received his baptismal certificate and it's been explained to me that it was a name invented or given because of someone. His full name is Ernesto Antonio Wimfles (only the V changes) Thanks to you!
Re: Italian great grand father with a specific last name
Avrebbe un qualche significato comprensibile "Vim fles", in latino "Piangi la violenza"? Un bambino nato da uno stupro?
Avrebbe un qualche significato comprensibile "Vim fles", in latino "Piangi la violenza"? Un bambino nato da uno stupro?
Emilio Lussu: “Che ne sarebbe della civiltà del mondo, se l’ingiusta violenza si potesse sempre imporre senza resistenza?”
Slava Ukraine!
תחי ישראל
Re: Italian great grand father with a specific last name
Spiegazione interessante, ma bisognerebbe chiederlo all'impiegato dello Stato Civile!
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi
Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
Translation of your (old) documents and letters.
Legal assistance in Italy for your Italian citizenship.
Certificate requests and genealogical researches in Italy.
Translation of your (old) documents and letters.
Legal assistance in Italy for your Italian citizenship.