Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
Hey Harleycat,
Where in Texas are you from? I live inLake Charles, Louisiana.
Can you please give me the name of your great grandfather? and also his sister? and who she was married to?
Yes my family...Sangiorgio's came around 1890's...that is when I found Calogero Sangiorgio...and he is the one that was married to Rosalia Scaccia.
This is what I have on Scaccias: Rosalia Scaccia born Dec. 1858 in Alia.
Married Calogero Sangiorgio approx 1879.
I do not have when she died or where.
There kids: Pietro Sangiorgio
Vincenza SAngiorgio
Francesca Sangiorgio
Gaspare Sangiorgio (my grandfather...his name was changed to Jasper St. George inthe 1920 Census in Illinois)
Salvatore Sangiorgio (SAM)
Calogero Sangiorgio
Calogero Sangiorgio....YES...there were 2 Calogero children...why??? I DUNNO!! LOL
I think that Rosalia's siblings are: Anna and Cosima Maria.
Some of the Scaccia's are in if you tell me some names that you need I will look them up for you...and possibly I can scan some pages and email them to you...let me know.
I think that Anna is the one that was married to the Bonfanti...but not sure...I think that Salvatore Sangiorgio was adopted by them...and he changed his name to Bonfonti...or could be Buffamonti...I have to check with an OLDER relative who maybe would know...I havent spoke to her in a year...but that is what she told me...she didnt know correct spelling of Bonfonti..
I will try and reach her this weekend if I can....also I think later on after he married he changed back to Sangiorgio...or Sangiorgi..I have been finding both spellings.
Also...Maria from this forum is helping me search Scaccia's...we just started last night...anyway..she found some ScIccia's (spelling) in Mezzaro..or something like that...i will have to go back and look at the post again...but I did search and found 2 with that spelling..and they went to Detroit and Michigan...I do not know if they are related..but its worth looking into.
How are the Bonfonti's kin to you?
Oh...and do you know the Route they took from Ellis Island to Louisiana?
And where in Louisiana did they go? ....was it Napoleanville? or Pattersonville(Patterson)?
Ok...more later...OH...I may have Bonfonti's in that book also...never checked...LOL.
Ok...more later...keep intouch!!!
Where in Texas are you from? I live inLake Charles, Louisiana.
Can you please give me the name of your great grandfather? and also his sister? and who she was married to?
Yes my family...Sangiorgio's came around 1890's...that is when I found Calogero Sangiorgio...and he is the one that was married to Rosalia Scaccia.
This is what I have on Scaccias: Rosalia Scaccia born Dec. 1858 in Alia.
Married Calogero Sangiorgio approx 1879.
I do not have when she died or where.
There kids: Pietro Sangiorgio
Vincenza SAngiorgio
Francesca Sangiorgio
Gaspare Sangiorgio (my grandfather...his name was changed to Jasper St. George inthe 1920 Census in Illinois)
Salvatore Sangiorgio (SAM)
Calogero Sangiorgio
Calogero Sangiorgio....YES...there were 2 Calogero children...why??? I DUNNO!! LOL
I think that Rosalia's siblings are: Anna and Cosima Maria.
Some of the Scaccia's are in if you tell me some names that you need I will look them up for you...and possibly I can scan some pages and email them to you...let me know.
I think that Anna is the one that was married to the Bonfanti...but not sure...I think that Salvatore Sangiorgio was adopted by them...and he changed his name to Bonfonti...or could be Buffamonti...I have to check with an OLDER relative who maybe would know...I havent spoke to her in a year...but that is what she told me...she didnt know correct spelling of Bonfonti..
I will try and reach her this weekend if I can....also I think later on after he married he changed back to Sangiorgio...or Sangiorgi..I have been finding both spellings.
Also...Maria from this forum is helping me search Scaccia's...we just started last night...anyway..she found some ScIccia's (spelling) in Mezzaro..or something like that...i will have to go back and look at the post again...but I did search and found 2 with that spelling..and they went to Detroit and Michigan...I do not know if they are related..but its worth looking into.
How are the Bonfonti's kin to you?
Oh...and do you know the Route they took from Ellis Island to Louisiana?
And where in Louisiana did they go? ....was it Napoleanville? or Pattersonville(Patterson)?
Ok...more later...OH...I may have Bonfonti's in that book also...never checked...LOL.
Ok...more later...keep intouch!!!
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
ALSO....I have the CORRECT email address for the ITALIAN AMERICAN ROOTS, ALIA. if anyone wants it.
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
Hey are some family surnames that MY Scaccia's married:
di Carlo
di Carlo
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
I was told by an old family member it is pronounced Scot-CIA.JoannL wrote:
How do you actually pronounce SCACCIA....and MARCHIAFAVA?
I am wondering if this is the same Anna that my grandfather's brother Salvatore went to live with ???....but I was thinking she married a Bonfonti? or Buffamonti?....I am not sure on that spelling.
Marchiafava is March(like the month)-A-fava(like the bean). Some of the Marchiafava family Americanized the name to Maggio in the 1920's.
In church and civil records here in La, I have found Scaccia spelled, Scateo, Scotct, and Seaccia.
Your Anna is most likely a cousin to mine. I have the marriage records of 3 different Anna Scaccia's in Alia within a few years. Each married different men and had different parents. I haven't researched that far back, but the fathers were probably brothers and each named a daughter after his mother. These are from Alia Civi Records FHL #194001.
Salvadore Buffamante, age 25, single, born and living in Alia, (parents: Domenico and deceased Carmela LoTarso) married 13 June(I think, I can't find my word list) 1876, Anna Scaccia, age 22 or 23, single, born and living in Alia, (parents:dc Gasparo and dc Francesca Barcellena) I'll look at it again when I get my books back.
Sebastiano Ignazio Domiano LoBello, age 50?, widower, (dc Francesco and dc Maria Battaglia) married 14 Dec 1876 Anna Scaccia, age 47?, widow, (dc Carmelo and dc Rosalia Trento)
Rosalino Marchiafava (Santo and Filippa Mascarella) married 19 Feb 1881 Anna Scaccia (Francesco and Rosalia Andollina) This is our line.
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
The way I see it...
Marchiafava would sound like Mark-yia-fava (like the bean)
Sciaccia would sound like Ske-yia-cha
Any opinions...?
Marchiafava would sound like Mark-yia-fava (like the bean)
Sciaccia would sound like Ske-yia-cha
Any opinions...?
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
You may be right as to the proper pronouncation but I am only repeating how the family said it. I do think Scaccia begins with a "Scotch" sound because I found many old records (1890-1920) with the name written that way.mfjp wrote:The way I see it...
Marchiafava would sound like Mark-yia-fava (like the bean)
Sciaccia would sound like Ske-yia-cha
Any opinions...?
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
I am trying to find connections to the family of Vincenzo Martino who was born , I belive, in Alia in 1832. He migrated to Houston and I am named for his first son Calogero born in 1869. Kelly Martino (baptized Calogero Ciro) Ciro for his second son my grandfather. The sons came to the US in 1899. They lived in Post Oak and had cousins named Rumfalo. There is a possible connection for you. Anyone knowing relatives in Alia of Vincenzo's family?
Are they all relatives. The many Calogero's I see in the posts are amazing. Since I have never known another but me and my great uncle.
Great to find this thread, and LDS holding of the Alia records. I am trying to establish my dual citizenship since I now live in Vienna Austria and EU citizenship would make paperwork here a lot easier. Anyone got some suggestions?
Are they all relatives. The many Calogero's I see in the posts are amazing. Since I have never known another but me and my great uncle.
Great to find this thread, and LDS holding of the Alia records. I am trying to establish my dual citizenship since I now live in Vienna Austria and EU citizenship would make paperwork here a lot easier. Anyone got some suggestions?
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
Who is the publisher of Italian American Roots: Alia Sicily?
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
I am being repetitive because I am not sure how you reply directly to a post, so here hoping I am doing it right.
Who is the publisher of the book Italian American Roots. Alia, Sicily
I am being repetitive because I am not sure how you reply directly to a post, so here hoping I am doing it right.
Who is the publisher of the book Italian American Roots. Alia, Sicily
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
Italian American Roots: Alia, Sicily by A. Robichaux is published by Hebert Publications. You can reach them at
The book covers Alia birth, death and marriage records for the years 1851-1861.
The book covers Alia birth, death and marriage records for the years 1851-1861.
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
I am very new at this. This thread is such a great find because I find the names of the families that lived in Post Oak, now a very affluent suburb, but in my childhood a collection of small farms owned by Sicilians who were all related. My godparents who were a married couple were first cousins because the tradition to marry a Sicilian was such a need. This was not uncommon. The family explained that the church just looked the other way.
But I see so many of the family names whose homes I visited frequently as a child and see that these are Alia names. But in the lists I do not see the name Martino which I believe to be such a name because of my childhood memories of the person listed in these messages.
Does anyone have Martino in their lists? Or does the name appear in the book so many refer to?
But I see so many of the family names whose homes I visited frequently as a child and see that these are Alia names. But in the lists I do not see the name Martino which I believe to be such a name because of my childhood memories of the person listed in these messages.
Does anyone have Martino in their lists? Or does the name appear in the book so many refer to?
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
Sorry no Martino line in our family. We are related to Rumfolas.kelwien wrote: Does anyone have Martino in their lists? Or does the name appear in the book so many refer to?
But the book has 6 pages of Martino entries. Only one entry might fit your Vincenzo:
Vincenzo Matteo MARTINO (parents Filippo Martino, age 56 and deceased Elisabetta Guccione), single, age 23, native and resident of Alia, land surveyor, married 25 Oct 1857 to
Gaetana GUCCIONE (parents Stefano Guccione and Maria Buongiovanni), single, age 21, native and resident of Alia. # 49.
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
Thanks for the response. Do you find a Calogero or Ciro Martino in the list. These are birth records. Calogero b. 1869 Ciro b. 1874sazzlynn wrote:Sorry no Martino line in our family. We are related to Rumfolas.kelwien wrote: Does anyone have Martino in their lists? Or does the name appear in the book so many refer to?
But the book has 6 pages of Martino entries. Only one entry might fit your Vincenzo:
Vincenzo Matteo MARTINO (parents Filippo Martino, age 56 and deceased Elisabetta Guccione), single, age 23, native and resident of Alia, land surveyor, married 25 Oct 1857 to
Gaetana GUCCIONE (parents Stefano Guccione and Maria Buongiovanni), single, age 21, native and resident of Alia. # 49.
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
I knew a Damiano Rumfalo in Post Oak when I was a child. He was married to a Mary. We kids called all of them Uncles or Aunts. Damiano was quite old and had Parkinsons the whole time I knew him. This would have been in the late 1940's early 1950's. They were cousins of the Martinos I believe. All of the families were cousins with a lot of intermarriage.
I knew a Damiano Rumfalo in Post Oak when I was a child. He was married to a Mary. We kids called all of them Uncles or Aunts. Damiano was quite old and had Parkinsons the whole time I knew him. This would have been in the late 1940's early 1950's. They were cousins of the Martinos I believe. All of the families were cousins with a lot of intermarriage.
Re: Alia, Palermo, Sicily Families
Sorry, the records covered in this book are for the dates 1851 - 1861.kelwien wrote: Thanks for the response. Do you find a Calogero or Ciro Martino in the list. These are birth records. Calogero b. 1869 Ciro b. 1874